Neurology Specialty services

Neurology Specialist Consultation

My Valued Patients, I am Honored That You Have Chosen Me To Assess, To Diagnose, To Treat, & To Manage Your Neurology Issues. I Will Listen Your Every Single Word Until You Finish Talking About— I Will Assure You I will provide Undivided Attention to Your Every Single Concern & Will Keep The Faith That You Have Placed In Me.

Expertises I am Equiped with will be applied in elleviating Symptoms and managing Neurological Issues my patients are struggling with.

In everyday practice, I contribute to the enhancement of the quality of care by integrating the available best evidence and best practices."

Google Profile,
You wrote on my Google Profile

GOOGLE PROFILE: ★★★★★(132)


		Profile, You wrote on my Google Profile

GOOGLE REVIEWS: 4.8 ★★★★★(132)


is a mutual Trust-based Understanding, which Benefit us Equally. Any Discrepancy between this Relationship Harms the Trust and Erode Faith Resulting in Disruption of Delivering or Receiving Services.

I will place your health concerns above my personal interests, and I will keep the faith you have placed in me.

  • I will not judge you; we will listen to each other and discuss together to minimize your suffering.
  • I will listent to You, your every words
  • I will Question & Examine You
  • We will discuss Your current issues, future complications, and preventative measures together.
  • We Plan Treatment outline which is Appropriate for you


Practically, We will Listen Each other; we Discuss, and Decide together what benefits You Most.

Connect with Neurology Specialist in minutes to get Online Consultation from any location from your Phone, Tablet, or Computer any time, 24/7, or by appointment.

Simply fill out a short appointment form online with your few details for the online Neurology Specialist Consultation you need — you could then either see the Specialist or schedule an appointment with the Specialist.

If the Specialist could help, your consultation will start right away and you will begin speaking. Video coferencing (How Neurology on the Go works) may be required if it will help with your Diagnosis. If the Expertise does not cover your issues, your consultation would not start and you would not be charged.

You will see the details on the ePrescription, including, the Medicine name, dosage, frequency, and how to swallow including precautions. The doctor's signature, license number, and direct contact information are on the ePrescription.

Neurology VirtualCare, which is Delivering Neurology Consultation Online, is Driven by Evidences and Passion.


টেলি নিউরোলজি সার্ভিস

কনসালটেশন করার জন্য ফি দেয়া লাগবে। সব দিক বিবেচনায় নিলে - ফি অনেক কম. নিজ বাসায় বসে চিকিৎসা পাওয়া, যাতায়াত খরচ লাগছেনা, যাতায়াতের ঝামেলা নাই, যেকোনো দুর্যোগে চিকিৎসা পাওয়া সম্ভব - ঝড়, বৃষ্টি, বন্যা, হরতাল, পরিবহন ধর্মঘট ইত্যাদি ইত্যাদি

অর্থাৎ এই যে টেলি মেডিসিন (Virtual Consultation)ব্যাপারটা - আমাদের দেশের জন্য এখনো নুতন, টেলিমেডিসিন- ব্যাপারটার সাথে আমাদের দেশের বিশাল অংশ এখনো পরিচিত না! কিন্তু এই পদ্ধতি এখন বাস্তবতা। ডাক্তারের চেম্বারে না গিয়েও চিকিৎসা পাওয়া যাবে / সম্ভব / এবং বাস্তব ! বড়ো সুবিধা হচ্ছে - ফি সঙ্গে সঙ্গে না দিলেও কিন্তু চিকিৎসা পাওয়া যাবে, চিকিৎসকের চেম্বারে গিয়ে -ফি না দিয়ে কোনো ভাবেই চিকিৎসা পাওয়া যাবে না / এই সুবিধা পাওয়া কি সম্ভব ?!


As Medical professionals, physicians are subject to the same range of behavioral traits as any other human being. However, the unique demands of the profession, coupled with the bureaucratic complexity of the healthcare system, rapid diversification of individual behaviors, have resulted in increased levels of frustration, depression, and sensitivity among many physicians.

It is crucial to recognize that collaboration is a key factor in improving the delivery and receipt of healthcare services. By working together and utilizing the expertise of all Medical professionals, we can ensure that patients receive the best possible care. Furthermore, seeking out and utilizing cost-effective and specialized healthcare services, such as an affordable Neurology consultation, is a step towards ensuring that patients have access to the care they need.

Find Things You would Never Expect. Like an Affordable Neurology Specialist Consultation, Everyday Everywhere.