Neurology Services Abuse


In effect from Sunday, May 12, Twenty 24


Please be advised, Like Other Health Professional Services, Neurology E-Consultation Services are Provided for a Fee!. You Understand You will be Charged a Fee for the Neurology e-Consultation You Receive, unless the Fees are Paid by Someone else Under these Terms.

প্রেসক্রিপশন পাওয়ার পর পরেই ফি দিতে হবে; যদি কোনো কারণে দেয়া সম্ভব না হয় - তাহলে ম্যাক্সিমাম ৩ দিনের মধ্যেই ফি দেয়া লাগবে - আপনার সহযোগিতা একান্তভাবে কাম্য.

Any Abusive Interaction, in any form, results in Discontinuation and Disruption of Continuity of Services

Neurology Specialist updated the Terms of Use (User Agreement & Rules) on May 12, 2024. Neurology Specialist, Dr. Aminur Rahman, reserves the right to amend the Rules / Terms at any time to account for changes in applicable laws and regulations.

Neurology Consultation service Rules

Read to Understand - Neurology Service Rules &

Neurology terms of services

Neurology Consultation ToS TOS! to be read

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