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Specialist - a Medical specialist is a Doctor whose work is focused on one field of Medicine, e.g. Neurology, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Ophthalmology, Gastro-enterology, Rheumatology, Geriatrics, Cardiology, Pulmonology, and psychiatry. Sub/Super-Specializations in any field of Medicine, where one's knowledge, skills go deeper than their colleagues in general.

Physicians could Prevent, Diagnose, Assese, Evaluate, Treat, and Manage various Diseases & Disorders in order to Improve their patients’ overall Physical, mental, and Scial Wellbeign.


When do a patient requires to visit a Specialist?.

Specialist could

  • Assess
  • Evaluate,
  • Diagnose
  • Treatment
  • Management

Neurology Specialist here to Help YOU

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